A Non Political, Non Profit Premiere Organisation.
Aims & Objectives
The Aims and Objectives of the Foundation for which the above Foundation is established is to carry on, in all over India, for the following activities are as under:
To provide adequate guidance, knowledge to eligible people of All States of India for admission to various Training Courses conducted by Govt. of India / State Govt. U.T in the field of Professionals, and Rural Industries.
To support and provide all help to students studying in various courses and their activities for all Industries for its up- gradation, if any.
o help for the poor people to stay in Dharmshala Foundation / it's supported Organisations in respective States/Countries.
Providing shelter, care and support to the physically challenged childrens and adults.
Village development and welfare activites for rural development.
Support for needy children and students to become successful in their life with career counselling.
To encourage the Industry for upliftment in weavers, craft personals and Rural Industries, the Foundation will organise the spot seminars, discussions, workshops etc. Whenever and wherever possible.
Unemployed persons will be given free guidance for Employment / Self Employment and its allied activities.
To enlist and update data for all field of activities available in India and abroad with their work.
To undertake, facilitate or provide for publication of journals / newsletter / magazines / pamphlet and other reading materials for promotion and advancement in regard to the proper implementation of Aims and Objects of Foundation.
For welfare of people, the Foundation may emphasize for proper policy formulation to the Central/ State/ U. T. level time to time.
To consider, originate and promote reforms and improvement in Technology, Education Technique, Health and Family Welfare and Rural Industries for their Service Conditions in private / Govt. / Govt. Undertaking / autonomous bodies etc..
To develop WEBSITE, publish advertisement for the proper implementation of objects of Foundation.
(1) To raise funds and to invite and receive contribution by ways of Membership Subscription, donation, sponsorship, grant, loan or otherwise, provided that in-raising funds for the Foundation and will undertake any permanent trading activities and shall confirm to any relevant statutory regulation for the betterment.
(2) To draw, make, accept, enclose, discount, execute and issue promissory notices, bills, cheques and other instruments, and operate bank, building of Foundation if any or other accounts in the name of Foundation.
(3) All the incomes, earnings, moveable or immoveable properties of the Foundation shall be solely utilised and applied towards the promotion of aims and objects only as set for in this Memorandum of Foundation and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any other manner whatsoever, to the present or past Members of the Foundation or to any other persons claiming through anyone or more of the present or past Members of the Adileela Foundation.
(4) No members of the Foundation shall have any personal claim on any moveable and / or immoveable properties of the Foundation or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his membership.
To Hire / Purchase / Acquire land for the Foundation and to construct building thereon for the cause of the Foundation.
To honor and give prizes, mementos and Awards, Felicitations for outstanding services rendered in any field in India and Abroad.
To arrange and organize social, cultural and Educational, Social Programmes and functions from time to time including get together picnic, celebration and seminars and shows for the members and invitees of the Adileela Foundation.
Adileela Foundation will take up with the industry all the matters with all painful effect and also the causes of the people for their upliftment.
To do all such lawful acts and deeds which may appear incidental on conductive for the achievement of all or any objects of the Foundation
To subscribe to, become a member of, and cooperate with any other Foundation in the country or abroad, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the Foundation in all fields.
To establish or support, cooperate directly or indirectly to Trusts, Associations, Societies, Corporations, Autonomous Bodies, Semi-Govt. / Govt. bodies, Educational Institutions, formed or operated in whole or in part for all or any of the objects of similar purposes and to exchange information and advice with them.
To preserve its integrity and status and to represent generally in views of the Fashion Designing, Handloom, Handicrafts, and Rural Industries, in all fields required by the Human time to time.
To consider and deal with all matters affecting professional interests of the Members of Adileela Foundation.
To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects of Foundation.

New Delhi, Delhi, India
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Panaji, Goa, India
9940327711 , 9999010887, 9488916898, 9818242869, 9811360442